The entire universe has felt the effects of the Covid -19, aka coronavirus
The world has been dealt a hard hand that has affected the economic fabric of every country.
Businesses have had to come to a sudden standstill. Companies around the world have strategised to adapt, give their support where they can, and lend a helping hand whichever way possible.
Every economic sector in the world is affected by this pandemic. Coronavirus has de-stabilised markets and shifted the very ground beneath our feet.
How can you help?
Read more here.
Financial support
Safaricom has gone the extra mile in their support to waiver transaction fees for ksh1000 and below.
This is a great initiative to ease the economic strain on Kenyans. This has eased the growing financial concern of the below-average/ daily labourer.
We all need our jobs and steady income.
These companies can only do as much to chip in and still stay afloat despite this current coronavirus crisis.
Delivery Support
We love to eat, and we don’t like to cook as much, and we definitely do not find joy in washing dishes!.
Time and again we crave for that salty, cheesy, barbeque flavoured taste. Fast foods. With lockdown measures being put up in countries, it’s not surprising that cravings have increased.
For families, take out can be very convenient. So what has uber done? In the UK, Uber Eats has offered free delivery to its customers amid this coronavirus crisis.
They are playing their part to support those at home and effecting social distancing measures.
In Kenya, Jumia and Glovo have also chipped in to offer free deliveries from various outlets.
Healthcare support
What about the nurses, doctors and health workers that are risking their lives every day?
Support can be seen in highly affected countries to ensure proper and safe healthcare against the coronavirus.
Companies are chipping in by providing food to the warriors on the front line. Everyday health workers risk exposure to Covid -19 to take care of our loved ones.
Zenka didn’t remain indifferent to the actual situation and decided to implement the same support.
The company redirected its monies from every first loan granted to assist warrior nurses and doctors by donating masks and sanitizers to hospitals.
This is a great initiative to reduce the risk of infections and protect those at the front line.
It’s no news that Africa as a whole is not prepared for the coronavirus wave as to how Italy was hit.
The best way is to take the necessary precaution.
Photo on the right: Zenka’s donation to Thika Level 5 hospital

Industrial Support
The rush for sanitizers in Europe was epic.
In a day, stores were sold out, and companies had to change their manufacturing lines to produce sanitizers for everyone and help reduce the spread of coronavirus.
Orlen is such a company. This European company switched their production to sanitizer to make sure that everyone is sanitised and keeping the coronavirus at bay. For an oil company having to redirect their monies in these times, such support goes a long way.
Individual support
You matter and your support to beat the coronavirus pandemic is very important.
The world appreciates people like Jack Ma and Bill Gates for offering their support to help alleviate the coronavirus crisis. You don’t have to be a millionaire to provide your support.
You can be your neighbour’s keeper and offer care packages and food packages for the less unfortunate.
People from all around the world are coming in to help the poor whichever way they can.
That packet of flour or tin of oil could last a family through these uncertain times.
This pandemic is everywhere, and every support counts.

These words ring true now more than ever. Remember no man is an island. Companies like Safaricom, Zenka, Swvl, Uber Eats and Orlen have played their part and offered their support.
John F. Kennedy spoke these famous words, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
Your support matters too.
This is us, this is where we are, and this is what we have to do to secure the future of our children.