Let’s act together!

You know it, I know it, everybody by now knows it.

The Coronavirus, aka COVID-19 has spread like wildfire across the globe and affecting every area of our day to day life, health, business, mobility not to mention the economy.

Taking safety precautions against the Coronavirus has been sung since January.

We still need exercise precaution and be our neighbour’s keeper as well as keeping ourselves as safe as possible.

What can you do to ensure you don’t get infected and keep others safe against corona?


Very important!. Any alcoholic based sanitizer will do. This is the best time to have OCD or practice being one.

Do this as much as possible, especially when you are in public areas and using public transport.

Remember the virus can stay up to 10 min outside the body.

When you come from outside, touch seats or transit buses, doors and elevators where more than 3 people pass.

If you don’t have a sanitizer, soap and water will do just fine.

Make sure you thoroughly wash hands for 20 seconds. Follow  #ZenkaChallenge to see if you are doing it properly. 

Keep your distance

1 metre distance is the standard space that you should always have between you and others at all times.

Governments are now taking extra precaution by enforcing this rule in public transport.

You should do your part and try as much as possible to keep a distance. Remember the virus takes up to 2 weeks to exhibit itself. 

What’s the difference between Social distancing, self-quarantine, self-isolation? 

Isolation separates sick people with a quarantinable communicable disease from people who are not sick.

Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick. — Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.

Social distancing refers to actions taken by public health officials to stop or slow down the spread of a highly contagious disease.

Stay at home is also another way to keep the virus at bay. Companies have taken initiatives to limit non-essential staff to work from home.

The internet has saved some businesses that are now closed to ensure safety.

Lots of people are running their business online and delivering their goods to their customers’ door. The nifty ways you could try is using WhatsApp status updates, FB, Instagram.

Digital platforms are a plus here to keep your business flowing.


This not only implies to your phone which has been confirmed carries a lot of germs.

You could be working in customer service where you share headsets, POS/ETR machines in restaurants, banks or supermarkets, and shared laptops at the cyber or at work.

If in your day to day runnings involve you coming into contact with such, please remember to sanitize before and after touching such. 

Masks and scarfs

If you exhibit any flu-like symptoms, coughing and sneezing regularly, please use a mask to prevent exposure to others. 

If getting a mask is impossible, you can improvise with a non-allergic fabric scarf.

If coughing, use the bend of your elbow or a handkerchief.

Coronavirus is a respiratory infection that can be passed through the air and touching contaminated surfaces.

So try as much to safeguard yourself and reduce spread.

It can take up to 2 weeks for corona symptoms to show or escalate. Best to not underplay a simple thing like the flu and cough.

If your symptoms persist, please visit a medical facility.

We cannot emphasize enough on taking precautions to curb this pandemic that is Coronavirus.

Take care of yourself and others because no man is an island plus we need others to survive. Limit handshakes, hugs and kissing. Transact through mobile money or credit cards.

All over the world, measure and precaution are being taken to the extent of lockdown and closing borders.

See mobile apps that will assist you in surviving indoors and keeping yourself active while still maintain some normalcy. Stay safe stay healthy and keep your distance.

This too shall pass if we do our part and adhere to these safety precautions to reduce the spread of COVID -19 hereby known as Coronavirus.

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